
When you pulled up my blog and saw its name, you may have thought:

"What does 'lit' stand for?"

Well, lucky for you, I have the answer! "Lit" is just short for literature. Lit(erature) is what inspired me to start this blog. I have had many hobbies over time (rock collecting, piano lessons, dance classes, etc.), but over all that time, the only hobby that stuck was reading. I owe my love of reading to a few people: my mom, who read me stories when I was little and my grandma, who lent me book after book when I'd visit. But, my 2nd grade teacher, Miss Pepperell, taught me just how powerful and amazing words really could be and how they could come alive on the page. I read so much that year and I have not stopped since!

So, I have decided to dedicate an entire blog to literature and I will share my thoughts on books I have read recently. Some posts will be reviews, but I'll also add lists of my favorite books/characters, quotes of the week, things I have learned from reading, etc. In addition to books, I also love music (I play guitar) and movies. I will review new albums, make music playlists, and review movies. I also hope to share different independent musicians, authors and artists in the film world that are just not appreciated enough and you must hear about.

You already know I love books, music, and movies but here are some other facts about me:

  1. I am currently a senior in high school and I will be attending college in the fall.
  2. I really like coffee.
  3. My favorite band is Vampire Weekend. (I will try not to refer to them too much...)
  4. I live in the southwest and (as of now) can not imagine living elsewhere. Its warm and beautiful in a unique and whimsical way.
  5. My favorite book is a three way tie between To Kill a Mocking Bird By Harper Lee, The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, and Ramona and Beezus by Beverley Cleary.
  6. I have two younger sisters and one little brother.
I am always open to suggestions when it comes to what to read or what you would like to see reviewed. I encourage you to comment on my posts as well and I am always interested in  your thoughts.

I look forward to sharing more of my thoughts with you soon!

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